The CAFA Challenge:
The problem: There are many proteins in the databases for which the sequence is known, but the function is not. The gap between what we know and what we do not know is growing. A major challenge in the field of bioinformatics is to predict the function of a protein from its sequence or structure. At the same time, how can we judge how well these function prediction algorithms are performing?

The solution: The Critical Assessment of protein Function Annotation algorithms (CAFA) is an experiment designed to provide a large-scale assessment of computational methods dedicated to predicting protein function, using a time challenge. Briefly, CAFA organizers provide a large number of protein sequences. The predictors then predict the function of these proteins by associating them with Gene Ontology terms or Human Phenoytpe Ontology terms (Blue “prediction” section of timeline). Following the prediction deadline, we wait for several months. During that time, some proteins whose function were unknown experimentally have received experimental verification (Green “annotation growth” section of timeline). Those proteins constitute the benchmark, against which the methods are tested (Orange “assessment” portion of timeline). You can read about CAFA 1 here and in the paper published in Nature Methods, you can read about CAFA 2 here, and CAFA 3 here.

Submission Deadline
CAFA 5 is now open for registration and submission onĀ Kaggle.
Target release date: April 17, 2023
Predictions deadline: August 21, 2023
Initial Evaluation: August 2023
CAFA assessors will carry out evaluations following this date, as more experimentally annotated results accumulate. We expect the final evaluation to be done on or about January 2024
CAFA 4 Data
CAFA 4 (2019-2020)
CAFA 3.14 (PI) Data
CAFA PI (2017-2018)
CAFA 1 Data
CAFA 1 (2010-2011)